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освітній менеджмент, самоменеджмент, модель навчання, саморозвиток особистості, особистісний саморозвиток вчителя components of marketing competence, selfmanagement, educational management, self-development, teacher’ personal self-development

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The article raises the issue of determining the problems of forming the basic self-management of future teachers of preschool education. Scientific works on the problems of the organization of self-development were analyzed and the opinions of scientists who worked on the organization of effective secret management as a direction of self-management were singled out. The urgency of personal problems of students' self-development and the introduction of learning models, which is based on the use of personal skills and intrinsic motivation, were substantiated. The essence of self-management as a component of personality development and the main problems of formation of basic self-management in future specialists of preschool education were determined. The directions of self-management and their content were covered. The analysis of scientific achievements on the studied topic is offered. A comparative description of the content of the concepts of self-management in scientific sources were formed. Effective forms and methods of organization of activity and ways of effective planning of working hours were specified. Testing of future specialists of preschool education was carried out in order to determine the priority of life orientations as components in the process of personal self-development. The results of the study of semantic life orientations according to the method of D. Leontiev, which allowed not only to identify the general level of awareness of life, but also to diagnose a number of additional scales: goals, process, result. The results of five subscales were analyzed. The levels of commitment of future teachers of preschool education, specificities of perception of life and its meaning, vision of effectiveness of life and ability to set long-term goals, locus of control-ME and locus of control of life were clarified. The program of actions on the basis of results of testing which provide both classroom work and extracurricular work of applicants of higher professional education were outlined. The program of development of bases of self-management is revealed. Prospects for further research on certain issues are identified.
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