The development of physical education and health technologies for schoolchildren with hearing impairments, systematic testing of key indicators of their physical condition and health, and periodic correction of health programs requires the improvement of the process of adaptive physical education, including the use of a fully artificially controlled environment. The goal is to study existing approaches and means of an artificial control environment that are used in the practice of adaptive physical education of schoolchildren. An artificially controlled environment in the physical education of children with hearing deprivation plays an important role in their development and social integration, since its use contributes to the resolution of certain key aspects, the most relevant of which are innovative technologies that can be used in adaptive physical education, as well as social integration and psychophysical development of schoolchildren. Today, various technologies and means of artificial controlled environment are becoming increasingly popular, which provide a comprehensive approach to the development of vertical stability in children with hearing deprivation, helping them to improve coordination, balance and general physical fitness. These include, in particular, sensory platforms, virtual simulators, interactive training platforms and biomechanical analyzers. The use of artificial controlled environment in physical education of children with hearing deprivation is an important and promising direction that contributes to their comprehensive development. The use of modern biomechanical and information technologies allows you to create individualized training programs that take into account the specific needs of each child. This increases the effectiveness of physical education, helps to improve coordination, balance and general physical fitness. Interactive platforms, virtual simulators and biomechanical analyzers provide accurate monitoring of progress and provide real-time feedback, which allows you to adjust training plans according to the needs of children. Adaptive physical education using an artificial controlled environment promotes the socialization of children, helping them interact with peers and develop communication skills.
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