The article is aimed at defining and characterizing the policy of the European Union in the context of vocational education. The essence and concept of the EU educational policy are outlined within the specifics of the formation of general policies of the European Union. The article outlines the essence and significance of the EU educational policy in terms of the specifics of the process of forming a single common policy of the European Community. The regulatory and legal principles for ensuring the formation of the EU educational policy are considered. The European Union policy in the field of education determines the capabilities of a European citizen and influences the prospective choice of ways and means of the individual in solving the problem of a future profession, training, professional development, mobility, etc. The educational policy of the European Union is a complex domestic political phenomenon that reflects a common goal – to create an opportunity to combine the efforts of 27 member states to create and develop a single educational space, as well as the interaction of educational institutions on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity, which guarantees the effectiveness of national policies in the field of education. The article reveals the relationship between the educational policy of national states and the actions taken by the institutions of the European Community countries. The analysis of the relationship with specific problems and political initiatives of the European Union in the field of education and training, as well as those related to socio-economic changes and Europeanization processes, is carried out. The article uses the concepts of European studies, as well as the concepts of public policy and educational policy. The study of the development of the EU educational policy, consideration of its institutional structure and role at the present stage, determination of the features of the formation and implementation of the EU educational strategy is of interest to domestic science in the context of the state’s strategic orientation towards the European community, approximation to its economic, educational and social standards. The main conclusion of this study is the realization that the EU has its own educational policy, which focuses on sociopolitical goals and values.
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