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емоції, емоційне виховання, природознавство emotions, emotional education, natural sciences

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ТРОФАЇЛА, Н. Д., & ЖУРАВКО, Т. В. (2022). EMOTIONAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN BY MEANS OF NATURAL SCIENCE. ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “PEDAGOGY”, 2(4), 92-96. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.pedagogy/2021.4.2.14


The main purpose of education in Ukraine is the education of a person for whom a democratic society is the environment that provides the opening of creative opportunities, personal and social interests. The defining characteristic of such a person should be citizenship ‒ an integrated quality of personality that allows a sense of moral, social and legal capacity and security, provides awareness of their role in society, active desire to improve it in accordance with moral norms and values of primary school students, acquaint students with nature and society. Emotional education of personality as a complex process that should be the basis for the formation of not only the worldview of man, but also a set of qualities and properties of personality. Education begins with the «general emotional orientation» of man and depends on the education of his needs, the ability to voluntarily regulate their behavior, emotional relationships and emotional attitudes of the individual. One of the most pressing problems of emotional upbringing and education of children is acquaintance with nature. The process of learning about nature consumes not only the area of mental development of the child, but also contributes to the formation of a humane attitude to nature. The program of education and training defines the basic tasks, the maintenance and principles of the organization of work on acquaintance of children with the nature according to their age features. In the course of acquaintance the orientation of children in the environment expands, cognitive abilities are formed, the proper attitude to the nature is brought up. Nature actively influences the feelings and mind of the child, develops his perception, emotionality. Insufficient development of these qualities of the child's psyche leads to an artificial limitation of its capabilities, to the education of a person who does not feel, does not understand, and blindly follows the learned rules of behavior. The article considers the works of famous teachers who consider the problem of emotional education relevant today. Analysis of the state of the problem of emotional education in the psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that a significant amount of research in preschool pedagogy is devoted to the systematization of knowledge about nature and the lack of scientific papers examining the education of emotional attitude to nature in children.

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