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постструктуралізм, наратив, персонаж, сюжет, дія, когнітивізм poststructuralism, narrative, character, plot, action, cognitivism

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The article aims to study the theory of narrative in general and narrative as a literary text with reference to classical, Aristotelian poetics in the poststructuralism period. The presented research emphasizes the importance of addressing the concepts of narrative theory (or the science of storytelling): “history” (histoire) and “discourse” (discourse), “action” (praxis) and “plot” (mythos), their role in the reinterpretation of narrative categories. The relevance of the proposed research lies in the development of the poststructuralist direction of narratological research, arising in connection with ancient ideas about literature, aimed at involving cognitive theories, but not denying the theoretical foundations laid out by Aristotle. The research reveals the importance of categories of narrative, such as “character”, “plot”, “action”, “context” in the works of S. Chatman and P. Brooks. The mentioned categories are analyzed as a positive/negative action of the character in the dynamic unfolding of the plot, which becomes possible due to the active cooperation of the reader − his desire to understand fictional events. Thus, on the one hand, narrative categories are traditional, providing a normative, objective structure, and on the other hand, they tend towards subjectivity, individual perception and interpretation. Fictional texts of modernism and postmodernism distinguish the events and characters of the narrative in terms of categories “good ↔ bad” − a characteristic feature is the psychologization of the prose, giving ambivalent signs to the depicted events, focusing not on the dynamics of the action, but on the inner world of the characters. The poststructuralist approach emphasizes the role of the reader as an active participant in the communicative (author → text ↔ reader) and cognitive process (narrative ↔ plot ↔ interpretation of the plot). Poststructuralism does not develop as an antithesis to structuralism advanced by J. Genette, A.-J. Greimas, T. Todorov: on the contrary, the universal structure of the narrative and its categories are expanded along the lines of cognitivism, involving a number of mental processes: perception, understanding, reasoning and awareness. At the same time, the narrative is a source of embodiment of the author’s experience, an author’s fictional “model”, projected as reader knowledge.
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